Welcome to The Bridge Performance Test.
This test will help you getting an idea of your Performance Indicator. Find out how much potential you still have left.

This test will help you getting an idea of your Performance Indicator. Find out how much potential you still have left.

Start The Bridge Performance Test
How big is your DREAM in swimming?
Choose what fits best for you.
How disciplined are you?
For the accurate results you have to be honest to yourself.
How do you feel about your swim workouts?
Please rate based on your personal opinion.
How do you feel about your dryland activities?
Please rate based to your personal opinion.
How good is your recovery?
How would you rate your sleep?
Please rate from 1 (bad) to 5 (great).
How would you rate your mental state?
Please rate from 1 (bad) to 5 (great).
How good is your nutrition?
Rate it below.
Rate your overall health.
Check Answers
Thank you for completing The Bridge Performance Test. The result will give you an idea of how much potential you still have left. Feel free to take the test again any time to check-in on your Performance Indicator again.
Your Result:
Sorry, no results found.
Please repeat the quiz and try different answer combinations.Broken bridge

Instable bridge

Average bridge

Medium bridge

Good bridge

Great bridge

When you think about what you can improve, consider the following categories: Your dream in swimming, your discipline, your swim workouts, your dryland activities, your recovery, your sleep, your mental state, your nutrition and your overall health.